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Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy New Year!!!!

Yay! The first day of 2015! You ready for a challenge???

I saw this on Pinterest and couldn't resist! Who's with me? 1st day towards our resolutions! You can start with 1 of the exercises a day since there are 3 exercises.

I know it has burpees and a lot of people HATE burpees but I LOVE them!! They are a great full body workout! 


  1. Replies
    1. 1. You begin by standing and looking straight
      2. You then squat down with your hands in front of you on the ground (kind of like a leap frog position)
      3. keeping your hands on the floor you kick your feet back so that you are now in a plank position.
      4. Do a push up
      5. return to the frog position
      6. Jump up as high as possible with your hands above your head

      That is 1 burpee =) the link below has pictures along with instructions

    2. Very difficult! But definitely a great exercise
