Blog Archive

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tone it up!

Sometimes working out and getting in shape can be overwhelming! I know for my wedding I want my arms, legs, butt and core to be well… at my goal…. Which looks something like this:

Pretty much every woman wants tight, toned abs. A flat stomach can be yours. This is one great workout. Just keep going!

Wanting to focus on my core it really hurts my steps daily. The days I do a lot of core exercises I mostly am on the ground or sitting. These days I struggle to get in as many steps as possible.  

Tonight after a day of sitting… my exercise looked like:

  • 10 reverse hip raises on an exercise ball
  • 10 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 opposite arm and leg lifts on an exercise ball
  • 1 min Jogged in place
  • 10 bicycles
  • 3 min Zumba inspired dancing to “Happy”
  • 10 leg lifts
  • 10 second plank

I am EXHAUSTED! My core is really not what it used to be! I hope to increase my workouts and get the core I really want for my big day!

What area do you have the most difficulty toning?

Here's a little motivation to get you through some of this gloomy winter weather outside! I don't know about you but this cold weather makes me want to give up! But I won't! 

Losing Weight: 3 Months from now - I know that for sure!! Watch our weight loss videos at Lose weight FAST with the Caveman / Paleo diet!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Exercise Books

Today my Kindle Fire HD came in the mail. (YAY!) I decided to look at the kindle books for some free exercise and fitness books to read up on. I got 8 to start some light reading. (haha I know it's a lot but I couldn't resist!)

I started reading Workout Series 4- Week Bodyweight Home Workout Volume 1. 

Each week it gives you three workouts to do with rest days in between. I did week 1 workout 1 of 3 today.

1 round of the exercise is:
30 Jumping Jacks 
7 Wide push-ups 

I had to do as many rounds of the exercise in 10 min. It was rough after leg day at the gym!

I did 10 rounds that's 300 Jumping jacks and 70 wide push-ups. That was very tiring! I had to modify the push-ups slightly but I did it! I can't wait to see what the next exercise is! 

What exercise books do you find helpful? 

I want to expand my library. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Getting to 10,000 steps

Getting to 10,000 steps a day can be really hard. Since I started the 10,000 steps a day for 30 day challenge I have been falling short of the 10,000 steps a lot! 

Here are some ways to help you reach your goal of 10,000 for each day...

  • Take the stairs! 
  • Break your goal into smaller goals!
    • 10,000 is a HUGE number! I started today to break it down into smaller and more manageable goals. Here is my smaller goals:
      • 300 steps from the time I wake up until I leave for work (about an hour)
      • 2,000 steps at lunch time at work (about 3 hours into my shift)
      • 4,000 steps after work
      • 6,000 steps by dinner time 
      • 8,000 steps by 8 p.m. 
      • 10,000 steps by 10 p.m. 
    • (If your mini goals aren't being reached add extra things into your schedule where it will fit and help you become closer to your goal.) 
  • Add Jumping jacks, jumping squats, jumping rope, running or jogging (in place) into your morning or nightly routine.   (or both!!
  •  Break chores into smaller sections that require some extra stepping. 
  • Take walking breaks! 
  • Go to the gym (if this wasn't already part of your day)
  • Walk the dog/kid =)

Hope everyone is doing good with their steps! I hope now that I am done with all day (6/8 hrs) of training that I can get back on track!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My first time doing a little Yoga

I always hear people talk about Yoga but I have never really done any. I have the Wii which has yoga on it but I never really tried it. 

Last night during some of my ab work I decided to try a couple Yoga poses. I went to  and Pinterest (lol) to see a variety of poses. 

The first I did was the Plank =) one of my favorite exercises to do. I never really realized that it was a Yoga pose! I love doing plank challenges! They can be very challenging. 


Next I tried some simpler poses (I was a little tired from the ab work at this time).

First I tried was the extended mountain pose. This was a really nice pose to stretch and relieve some stress. 

The last pose I tried last night was the Downward Dog. This however did not turn out too well. I have tight hamstrings so I was not able to have my feet completely flat on the floor while doing this pose. I think I will keep working on this pose to help stretch my hamstrings. 

What Yoga Poses do you like to do?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Motivation Monday

It's the first Monday of the New Year!

Monday's can be pretty rough! It is already hard to find that motivation you need to achieve those New Years resolutions. 
A lot of my motivation comes from...

  • Quotes on Pinterest
  • People I follow on Instagram 
  • Friends in my life
  • My engagement ring (when I want to be lazy I look down and think 500 days a lot I want to do!)

Exercise Motivation

Don't be afraid to start off small! Take the stairs or park a little further away.  Don't push yourself too much! Enjoy the workouts don't dread them!

I will be posting motivational quotes in a lot of my posts! I hope that throughout this year some of my motivation will help each and every one of you reach your resolution!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

30 days of 10,000

Well I just saw this on Pinterest! (yes I am addicted to this site) 

10,000 Steps a Day for 30 Days - Let's do it! | BLOG {The Art of a Beautiful Life} #fitness #challenge #fitbit   
 I have decided to take this challenge Beginning 1/3/2015 I will walk 10,000 steps a day (well try my hardest) and on 2/4/2015 I will share my results with you guys! If you want to do this challenge as well feel free to join me and when you complete your 30 days share your results! 

Remember!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! 


Well the weather can certainly be an enemy when it comes to keeping motivated and your goals! 

This morning my plan was to get up eat breakfast and around now (9:15 a.m.) head to my mother's house to pick her up and go to the gym for some intense cardio! 

However, due to freezing rain and super icy roads I am trapped at home. 

Don't let this stop you! Your house can become your gym! 

When you are stuck inside because of weather you can do lots of things to keep you moving:

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Burpees
  • Lunges
  • Walking or running up the stairs
  • Exercise machines you might have in your home
  • Exercise DVDs in your home
  • Laundry (lots of lifting and you can do some squats) 
  • Walk/march in place while watching a movie or a TV show 
  • Walk while talking on the phone ( I try to do this any time I am on the phone)

I am going to try my hardest to stay motivated and reach my 10,000 steps today! 

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy New Year!!!!

Yay! The first day of 2015! You ready for a challenge???

I saw this on Pinterest and couldn't resist! Who's with me? 1st day towards our resolutions! You can start with 1 of the exercises a day since there are 3 exercises.

I know it has burpees and a lot of people HATE burpees but I LOVE them!! They are a great full body workout!